Raine Beheshti

Raine Beheshti began to study bass with Sherry Luchette in June 2021. In November 2023, she completed Suzuki Book 1 and performed for friends and family – she was even joined by her younger brother Max (also a bass player) to play part of the Twinkle, Twinkle Variation. Raine plays bass in school and also in the Pasadena Youth Symphony.

A young bass student poses with her teacher and a certificate

Can you share a little bit about your first musical experience or memory?
I think that it was when my grandpa introduced me. He has always been a big music lover.

How did you first become interested in learning to play string bass?
At school, I had to choose an instrument to play. Initially, the options were violin or cello, and I chose violin, but the next year viola and bass became options as well. I think I wanted to be a little different, so I chose bass knowing that not many people would choose it.

Can you share a memorable experience or achievement you’ve had while studying at PCM?
My biggest achievement at PCM has been my Suzuki book one recital. I was really proud that I had finished the first book!

Two young bass players play together with a pianist

In addition to your private study, you play in ensembles at school and in PYSO. Could you tell us more about these experiences? How do they complement your studies at PCM, and what have you learned from playing in a group setting?
I think that learning at PCM has been a really good way to go over the music in other ensembles and get professional feedback on things I could improve.

What sort of hobbies / extracurricular activities do you have and how do you balance these with your music studies?
I participate in an after-school dance ensemble with my school. I try to practice music in the mornings so that I can do homework and dance practice after school.

What’s your favorite thing about playing string bass?
My favorite thing is the opportunities it gives me! I love bass, and when a chance to play in a different place or way comes up, I usually take it. I really enjoy playing new things.

Your little brother also is learning to play string bass. What’s it like to have a sibling to play music with at home? Do you ever perform together?
I really like having a brother who plays bass because I can listen to him play and give him feedback. We played together at my book one recital on Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

Anything else you’d like to share?
No, nothing else. Thank you so much for interviewing me!