PCM is excited to introduce Practice-a-thon 2020, challenging students and faculty of all ages, levels, and instruments to participate in a school-wide project to practice, while also raising funds for scholarships.
Through our collective and shared efforts to practice, we hope this event serves as a reminder, especially during these challenging times, that we are all part of a musical community dedicated to learning, performing, and enjoying music.

View all of the Practice-a-thon results on our blog here.
Practice challenge: Throughout the month of October students and faculty will track and report their practice.
Workshops: Students may sign up for a workshop on October 9, providing an opportunity to perform for other students and to receive feedback from faculty and other students. Multiple workshops will take place simultaneously via Zoom, with 3-5 students and a faculty moderator in each workshop.
Zoom recital: Students may sign up for a recital on October 23.
Practice rooms: Beginning on October 6, practice rooms will be available via Zoom (password protected), on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Students can mute themselves and keep their video on or off, practicing in the same virtual space with one another. A PCM staff or faculty member will be present to monitor the practice rooms.
Performapalooza: Performapalooza is the culminating program for the Practice-a-thon, celebrating students’ hard work in practicing and their efforts to raise funds for PCM’s scholarship program. Students will record themselves at home and submit video links or a video file to PCM, to be embedded into a webpage featuring all video submissions.
At the end of Practice-a-thon, PCM will award prizes to students for:
- Most time practiced
- Most number of practice room “check ins”
- Most funds raised
- Greatest number of social media posts tagging @pasadenaconservatoryofmusic with #practiceathon2020
Every student who practices 31 consecutive days and/or raises $50, is automatically entered into a raffle for a $100 gift certificate from Bertrand’s Music. Also, participants in the department with the greatest percentage of students who participate in Practice-a-thon will receive a PCM swag bag with fun goodies like water bottles, books, pencils, key chains, and more!
Sign up here for Practice-a-thon 2020!
Deadline: September 25
Here’s what you need to participate in the Practice-a-thon.
- Submit your practice time
- Practice-a-thon Timeline
- Instructions for Performapalooza videos
- Submit your Performapalooza final video here
- Sample email/letter to friends and family
If you have any questions, please let us know. You can email Wendy Vazquez at wvazquez@pasadenaconservatory.org or call 626-683-3355
Calling all faculty!
Set the bar for your students by signing yourself up to participate in Practice-a-thon 2020! See below for various forms and resources.
- Practice-a-thon sign-up form for students and faculty
- Submit your practice time
- Practice-a-thon Timeline
- Sample email to your students/families about the Practice-a-thon
- Instructions for Performapalooza videos
- Submit your Performapalooza final video here
- Sample email/letter to friends and family
If you have any questions, please let us know. You can email Wendy Vazquez at wvazquez@pasadenaconservatory.org or call 626-683-3355
Thank you for your interest in supporting a PCM student in their practice and for contributing to PCM’s scholarship program!
To sponsor a PCM student, you can make a one-time gift of any amount or pledge an amount based on their practice time.
All donations are tax-deductible and will directly support PCM’s scholarship program, which is more important than ever during these difficult times.
If you have any questions, please contact Director of Development, Melissa Froehlich, at mfroehlich@pasadenaconservatory.org or 626-683-3355, ext 107.