Adult Studies Musical Theater Workshop | Family Reunion

Join us for a special virtual performance by the Adult Studies Musical Theater Workshop Ensemble. Stay after the show for a live Q and A with the cast and creative team!
Through shared joys and tragedies, a series of reunions bring one uniquely qualified family together to repeatedly contest mankind’s oldest – and greatest – debate: Is there a god?
In the deeply religious Burns family, the charismatic older son, Bill, has quickly risen to be the lead pastor in an evangelical mega-church, but his driving curiosity ultimately leads him to a loss of faith, costing him his surging career and his marriage. It also aligns him with his older sister, Martha, and her husband, both Humanists, and plunges the family into a debate between the deeply committed Christians and the skeptics.
This family confronts soul-shattering tribulations together and overcomes the challenges of their clashing worldviews.