Through generous gifts, PCM’s Friends and Benefactors make a lasting impact on the lives of individual students and families and enrich our community’s engagement with music. Thanks to this support, we are able to strengthen current programs, offer more scholarships, maintain and improve our campus, and develop new programs that are accessible and reflect our diverse communities.
We are pleased to acknowledge the individuals and organizations who made gifts between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 to the annual fund, Musical Interludes, and/or specific PCM programs.
2021-2022 Musical Interludes season sponsors, also listed here
Presto ($25,000+)
Ann Peppers Foundation
The Atwood Family
City of Pasadena,
Cultural Affairs Division
Colburn Foundation
Confidence Foundation
June and Simon Li
Los Angeles County Arts & Culture
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Helen and Will Webster Foundation
Vivace ($15,000 to $24,999)
The Augustine Foundation
California Arts Council
V. Shannon and Pamela Clyne
Michael J. Connell Foundation
Constance Z. Foster
Heather and Paul Haaga
Karen Hillenburg
The Music Man Foundation
Juliann and Andy Rooke
Sahm Family Foundation
Allegro ($10,000 to $14,999)
Adams Mastrovich Family Foundation
Olin and Ann Barrett
Alice and E. Eric Clark
Linda S. Dickason
Judith Kelly
Harvey and Ellen Knell
Jerry and Terri Kohl
Marlene R. Konnar
and John D. Baldeschwieler
Alison and Charles Lifland
Ann and Robert Ronus
Moderato ($5,000 to $9,999)
Sara and George Abdo
Charles Detoy and
Henrietta Johnson Detoy Foundation
Henry and Mary Eversole
Dorothy Falcinella
The Ella Fitzgerald
Charitable Foundation
Moderato (cont.)
Donald and Taylor Hall
Thomas and Stephanie Kiddé
Eric and Suzie Lee
Jay Lusche
Roger and Gloria V. Mullendore
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
RBC Foundation – USA
Lorraine Saunders
Laurie Sowd
Karen and Jim Stracka
Daniel Temianka and Zeinab Dabbah
Andante ($2,500 to $4,999)
Kimberly Barron
Edmund A. and Marguerite L.A.
Burke Foundation
David M. Davis
Jon and Nancy Elliott
Sandra Esserman and Stephen McCurry
Larson Family Fund at
The San Diego Foundation
William and Nancy Lifland Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Norah Morley and Anthony Koerner
Gretl and Arnold Mulder
Mei-Lee Ney
Warren and Katharine Schlinger Foundation
Hope Tschopik Schneider
Dorothy McCay Scully
Betsey Tyler
Kerry and Karen Vahala
Adagio ($1,000 to $2,499)
Anonymous (2)
Chris Benter
Elizabeth Bertani
Lance and Jane Bird
Linda J. Blinkenberg
MaryLou Boone
Stuart and Rebecca Bowne
Adagio (cont.)
Max Brennan and Sigrid Burton
George and Marilyn Brumder
Kristin and Juan Ceva
Catherine Chung
Norma Cowles
Michael and Wendy Crowley
Georgianna Bray Erskine
Olivia Garfield and Michael Newkirk
Thornton S. Glide, Jr.
and Katrina D. Glide Foundation
Richard and Christine Goetz
Susan Grether
Julia and John Itamura
Marisu and Raymond Jimenez
Jane Kaczmarek
Patricia H. Ketchum
Karen and Jack Margolis
Linda Gates Moore
Wendy Munger and Leonard L. Gumport
Bob and Arlene Oltman
Javier and Berenice Ortega
P&M Penberthy Family Trust
Pasadena Arts League
Pasadena Unified School District
Payden & Rygel
Lisa Richter
Mr. Matthew P. Rimmer
Janet Rose
The SahanDaywi Foundation
Annette Sneidmiller
Eugene and Marilyn Stein
Family Foundation
Barbara and William Steinwedell
Ann and Steven Sunshine
Elayne G. Techentin
Mary Urquhart
Mr. Douglas Venturelli
Bradley Whitford
Lisa Krueger and Robert Wyman
Quartet ($500 to $999)
Brownie Allen
Marsha Bohr
Annie and Paul Brassard
Lorea D. Cairns
Elisa and Eric Callow
Frank and Meg Campbell
Catherine “Tink” Cheney
and Barry Jones
Felix Cumare
Rosa Cumare
Jane Dietrich
David and Rebecca Ebershoff
Edison International
Janis Frame and Sanford Zisman
Melissa Froehlich and Mario Ortega
Marcia Anne Good
John and Sheri Gray
Margie and Paul Grossman
Ms. Silvana S. Gutierrez
Marie-Laure Leglise
Jennifer Lewis and Albert Meymarian
Dr. Harry Lieberman
Sara Lippincott
Claude and Frank Logan
Lucia and Ben Logan
Christine and Philip Lumb
Vatché and Arpy Mankerian
Marguerite Marsh, Ph.D
Jane Moorman
Caroline and Charles Norman
Cynthia Nunes and Barbara Nye
Katherine A. Orth
Shahram and Mouget Parsa
Ken and Erika Riley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Rodgers
Mark Saltzman and Walter Hubert
The Schlueter Family
Ellyn and Rich Semler
Peggy C. Spear
Janet Sporleder
Mary Ann Sturgeon
Martha Doerr Toppin
Suzanne and Jon Torgeson
Robert and Carolyn Volk
Brian P. Wernicke and Joann M. Stock
Ian and Barbara White-Thomson
Judy and John Whiting
James Woodruff and Maricruz Prado
Monica and Sebastian Zacharia
Cheryl and Peter Ziegler
Trio ($250 to $499)
Anonymous (3)
Richard Bass and Linda Grossman
The Berger-Davis Family
Philip Bourdillon and Nancy Martin
Louise and John Brinsley
Martin and Nancy Chalifour
Anne Colin
Francine Cooper
Ramon C. Cortines
Elizabeth and Stanislas Debreu
Ruth Eliel and Bill Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Engs
Robert and Jane Ettinger
Mariette Fay
Dr. and Mrs. Ira E. Felman
Sudi, Jie and Pinghui Feng
Silvia Goldsztajn
Mrs. Ann Horton
Mei-Jane Marina and Shao-Yun Hsieh
Celia Hunt
Mireya and Lawrence Jones
Trio (cont.)
Ray and Cinty Kepner
Harriet and Al Koch
Allan and Muriel Kotin
Elaine Kramer
George Larrimore
Tony and Shan Lee
Amy Lifland
Camille Lombardo and Ed Woodhull
Linda Massey
Dorothy and John Matthiessen
Janelle Hardin Morton
Jane M. Quinn
Ernest Robles and Linda Curtis
The Ross Family
K.B. Schwarzenbach
Arnold Siegel and Susan Futterman
Gretel Stephens
James Stout
Kim and Ken Sutantyo
Mimi and Warren Techentin
Cindy Ying
Duet ($100 to $249)
Anonymous (9)
The Honorable Mike
and Christine Antonovich
Marisza and Paul Avina
Rosemarie and Luis C. Ayala
Barbara Barrett-Byrne
Fran and Dan Biles
Jeannie Blackburn
Ms. Paula Bush
Amy Cheung and Peter von Haam
Melvin Chiu and Jenny Hu
Marjore Chronister
Walt and Zan Cochran-Bond
Natalie Cohen
John and Bette Cooper
The Cooper Family
Fred and Fritzie Culick
Ginny and John Cushman
Rachel Fine and Christopher Hawthorne
Caroline, John, and Madison Freeman
Roberto Gonzalez
and Noah Perez-Silverman
Ron and Nadya Gustafson
Michelle Hai and Ross Young
Sylvia Heacock
Isaacson Family Charitable Fund
Lynne Itamura
Michael Itamura
Kiku Lani Iwata and Andrew Bolhuis
Pamela Jackson
Ekaterina Karniouchina
Jim and Jean Keatley
Eugene and Young-eun Kim
Grace and Young Kim
Lynn Kim-John and Matthew John
Monica Lim
Gina Loyonnet and Colin Watanabe
Yuko Mabuchi and Billy Mitchell
Fred Manaster
Rob Roy and Kazue McGregor
Arlene and Paul Meadows
Kenneth Meyer and Bonnie Lund
Mohsen Mir
Karen Murphy
Danielle Ou and Ken Lin
Kay Paietta
Gordon J. Pashgian
Paypal Giving Fund
Kathleen Peck
Joshua and Dorothy Potter
Duet (cont.)
Peggy Rahn
Greg Roosa and AmyJo Rhine
Don and Alice Roach
Petter and Kimi Romming
Ellen Rothenberg
Barbara P. Sargeant
Judith Sawitzke
Lavonne Sherman
Mona and Randy Shulman
Vanessa Silberman and Joe Widman
Kathryn Smith and Anthony Iatesta
Donna Stein and Henry Korn
Merle Stern
John C. Stoessel
Li-Yu and Wai-Hang Sung
Yun-Chen and Kellee Sung
Robert Terjenian
Angel Velez
Julie and Scott Ward
Debby and Martin Weiss
Larry Wu
Peter and Romy Wyllie
Candice Zee
Frances Zee
James and Cindie Zumberge
Solo ($50 to $99)
Anonymous (7)
M&M Aldrete
Ayca Altingtig
Ms. Camille Ameen
Elizabeth and Jim Babor
Professor Bernard Beck
Mary Pringle Blaylock
Karen and Brian Brown
Betye Burton
Silvia Campos and Manuel Olmos
Akemi Chan-Imai
Sally Cullman
Richard Davis
R-lene de Lang
Richard Diephuis
Maureen Doucette
John Clinton Eisner
and Jennifer Dorr White
Richard and Jennifer Fleischner
Lin Floethe
Michael Glassick
Jon and Edna Hartmann
Terry and Trudy Hatter
Amy Hershberger and Paul Monsour
Toby and Cynthia Holmes
Lynwen and Rhiannon Hughes-Boatman
Tomomi Itaya
Heather and Allan Labrador
Heather Long
M’Alyssa Mecenas
and Dr. Susan Bush-Mecenas
Thomas and Gay Mertz
Paula and Joe Metivier
Lee and Paul Michaels
Morehead Family
Rob Ondarza and Todd Masterson
Mary and Jay Parker
Pat Payson
Sue Pratt
Jim and Monica Sawitzke
Mary Lea Schander
Robin Stever and Ricardo Barrantes
Inga Timmerman
Patty Watson-Swan
Rose Woo
Lauren Ann Wood
Susan and Rick Yamamoto
Please accept our sincere apologies for any mistakes or omissions. If you note an error, please contact Melissa Froehlich, Director of Development, at 626.683.3355 or mfroehlich@pasadenaconservatory.org.
◊ denotes deceased