Ava Fogel | Student of Erika Walczak | Classical Dance by Ludwig van Beethoven arranged by Faber & Faber

Benjamin Chiu | Student of Renee Gilormini | The Bugle Boys by Nancy Faber

Caroline Chiu | Student of Renee Gilormini | Village Dance by Ludwig van Beethoven

Caroline Chiu | Student of Renee Gilormini | Jazz Cats by Nancy and Randall Faber

Danial Jamshidi | Student of Ruby Wang | Beethoven's Für Elise, WoO 59

Ellen Bae | Student of Natalie Brejcha | Andantino by Shinichi Suzuki

Elsa Lu | Student of Ruby Wang | Teapot Invention by Andrew Markow

Emily Guo | Student of Asuka Restauri | The Haunted Tree by William Gillock

Ethan Guo | Student of Asuka Restauri | Sonatina in G by Ludwig van Beethoven