The Cello Suites⼁Book Discussion and Companion Event
Musical Interludes
Pasadena Conservatory of Music
100 North HIll Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

Join us on Wednesday, November 17, for a deeper dive into the inspiration behind the concert program, The Cello Suites by Eric Siblin.
At 10 a.m. and over coffee, PCM Board Chair Laurie Sowd facilitates our conversation around the book. At 11 a.m., KUSC’s Brian Lauritzen will host a companion program with special guests and offer a deeper dive into relevant themes.
While admission to the book discussion and companion event is free, kindly RSVP to Wendy Vazquez at or 626-683-3355 ext. 109. Please note that you may attend either or both events.
Masks and proof of full vaccination* are required for entry for all adult (18+) audience members. Please be prepared to show your vaccination card (or digital copy) and a photo ID.
*Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks after receiving a second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, or two weeks after receiving a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
Pasadena Conservatory of Music
100 North HIll Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106