Solo Piano Concert Works of Arno Babajanian
Pasadena Conservatory of Music
100 North Hill Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

A Century of Piano Music by Armenian Composers
1890s—1980s from Folk Origins to Virtuosity
Program IV: Solo Piano Concert Works of Arno Babajanian
Including: Suite for Piano; Six Tableaux; Poem; Elegie
West Coast Premiere of Festive for Two Pianos and Percussion
with pianist Asuka Fu and percussionists, T.J. Troy and Matt Cook
Proceeds benefit the Vergine and Nazareth Mankerian Scholarship at the Pasadena Conservatory of Music. If you cannot attend the program, but would like to make a tax deductible donation to the Vergine and Nazareth Mankerian Scholarship, submit this form with “Mankerian Scholarship” in the “Gift Designation” section.