Happy Hour No. 121: Sounds Mysterious with Brian Lauritzen


Barrett Hall

Pasadena Conservatory
100 North Hill Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

Tickets: $20
Student tickets: $10

Click here for more information

Sounds Mysterious is a game in which Brian assigns us a piece of music that none of us recognize. He even redacts the composer’s name. We rehearse it, perform it, and attempt to guess the composer along with you. The delight of surprise and interactive “whodunnit” guessing game make for an engaging spin on the live concert experience. Mimosa and pastry reception to follow.

Kevin Kumar and Maia Jasper White, Co-Artistic Directors and Violinists
Meredith Crawford, Resident Violist
Yoshika Masuda, Resident Cellist
HyeJin Kim, Resident Pianist
Brian Lauritzen, Resident Host

Barrett Hall

Pasadena Conservatory
100 North Hill Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

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