Amber String Quartet Send-off Concert

Student Recitals

Barrett Hall

Pasadena Conservatory
100 North Hill Avenue
Pasadena, California 91106

Amber String Quartet Send-off Concert

PCM is proud to be sending the Amber String Quartet to the Saint Paul String Quartet Competition Finals! Come support them by attending their send-off concert, where the Amber String Quartet will perform their Saint Paul repertoire. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards offsetting travel expenses for the group.

The Amber String Quartet will perform works by Haydn, Tchaikovsky, and Shostakovich.

Amber String Quartet:
Danielle Tsai, violin
Bai Xue, violin
Eliana Andrea, viola
Paulina Salazar, cello

About the Saint Paul String Quartet Competition:
Founded in 2006 as a performance forum for outstanding young chamber musicians. Since then the SPSQC has garnered a national reputation for showcasing our nation’s finest pre-college and college age string players. Young Artists from this event now populate the most prestigious conservatories and music programs in the country and several prizewinners are now members of internationally renowned chamber groups.
The SPSQC is open to aspiring non-professional string quartets whose members are 30 years of age or younger in two distinct age divisions – Junior and Senior. Applicant’s recordings are reviewed and individually ranked by a selection jury of highly esteemed chamber music professionals from across the country. The top scoring quartets are invited to St. Paul to perform in the Final Round events in St. Paul, Minnesota, juried by renowned professional string quartets from the Schubert Club Music in the Park Series and MacPhail Center For Music.

Barrett Hall

Pasadena Conservatory
100 North Hill Avenue
Pasadena, California 91106

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