Maddie Hsu

We sat down with Seven-year-old Maddie Hsu who started piano lessons at PCM this year with Lauren Yoon. In this interview, Maddie talks about why she chose the piano, what she likes about it, her experience playing in a Bach Festival, and why playing piano and softball are totally different!

This interview was conducted on 7/25/24 and has been edited for length and clarity.

Little girl in pink shirt holds up a paper award

How old are you?

Why did you start playing piano?
Because I have a piano at my home. And then when I was a baby, I started tapping the keys. And then, when I was three years old, I started learning pieces.

What is your favorite part about playing the piano?
You can tell a story, and then sometimes you can make the story funny.

Do you often come up with a story in your mind as you’re playing it?

How do you usually make stories funny through the piano?
You can listen to what the tone of the music is, and then you can imagine what’s going on.

What is your favorite song that you’ve played on piano and why?
Invention because it’s like one hand is playing one thing, and then the other hand is playing a whole different thing!

Was that hard, or was it fun?
It’s hard.

What is your favorite song to listen to?
When I’m in the car, me and my mom listen to classical music.

If you had to learn another instrument, what instrument would you play and why?
The violin because my older brother plays the violin.

What do you think you want to be when you grow up?
An inventor and I would invent a shopping cart with a cooler in it.

If you could pick any song to learn on the piano right now, what would you pick?
The Paw Patrol theme songs because that’s my favorite show.

You recently performed in the Bach Festival, how was that?
It was fun. I played the Minuet by J.S. Bach. It was a bit scary at the beginning, but then it was fun at the end.

What do you think made it feel fun at the end and what helped you through the scary parts?
Performing and just playing through the music.

What types of things do you like to do outside of music?
I like to play softball and I like playing pitcher.

Do you feel like softball and piano are similar or complete opposites?
Opposites because in piano, you just sit down and play keys with your hands, and in softball, you have to run around.

What are some challenges about playing piano?
Figuring out the notes for the first time.