Winter Concerts
As the fall quarter comes to a close, students have been showcasing their hard work in student recitals, virtual recordings, and holiday jams. We are pleased to highlight a few of these programs below.
Student Showcase Recitals
Since fall, PCM has offered online Student Showcase Recitals, which feature pre-recorded student performances. On December 4, students from the vocal arts, piano, strings, and winds, brass, and percussion departments presented a Student Showcase Recital, with friends and family gathering on Zoom for a watch party.
Studio and Department Recitals
Studio and department recitals have also been presented live on Zoom, featuring performances like this one from six-year-old Isabella Jones, who began taking piano with Renee Gilmormini over the summer. In early November, students in Dr. Stephen Cook’s studio recorded performances from home, which Dr. Cook shared in this virtual program. The Vocal Arts Department held their recital on December 15 and the Winds, Brass, and Percussion Department held their winter concert on December 17.

Adult Studies Holiday Jam
Back in March, our adult students took a giant leap with PCM, transitioning to distance learning. Showing great resiliency, they have continued to enjoy both the musical and social benefits of classes like Glee Club and Ukulele. On December 11, adult students, along with their friends and family (some from the east coast!), came together with teachers Lindsay and Dimitris Dodoras for a Holiday Jam and Sing-a-long, singing songs like Silver Bells, Hanukkah O Hanukkah, and Let it Snow.

Cantare: Music is Where the Heart is
Following a hiatus in the spring, Cantare Chamber Choir resumed rehearsals in September and on Sunday, December 13, members of Cantare Chamber Choir presented Music Is Where the Heart Is. “This concert features music from Mendelssohn, Bach, and Telemann as well as compositions from modern composers that we hope will reflect our desire to continue making music no matter our circumstances,” said Dr. Harrison. To read Dr. Ernest Harrison’s blog post about how he’s adapted Cantare Chamber Choir for distance learning, click here.
Suzuki Violin and Viola Winter Play-down
The Suzuki Violin and Viola students presented an ambitious Holiday Play-down on December 14, performing traditional Suzuki songs on Zoom. They also submitted individual recordings of John Riggio’s Ugly Sweater, which Suzuki Coordinator Megan Shung compiled into a group performance. Over 75 people attended the recital, including friends and family of students and residents at Montecedro.

While these last nine months have certainly been unusual and disruptive for us all, it has been inspiring to see our musical community determined to make music together, from the safety of our own homes. We look forward to 2021 and hearing more from our inspiring and innovative faculty and students.
From everyone at PCM, have a safe and happy holiday season. Thank you for being part of the PCM community!