Kieran Doudrick

Hi Kieran! How long have you been attending classes at PCM?
Since I was 1.
Any favorite classes? Instructors?
Jazz class and Miss Elizabeth in YM! I made a lot of friends in Jazz class last year.
Do you have any favorite composers, bands, or musicians?
The Beatles. Queen (later in the interview Kieran would perform a riveting, acappella rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody in its entirety). Jazz. I love Chick Corea.
Kieran leaves the room and returns with an oatmeal raisin cookie. Within minutes he has cookie crumbs in his hair.
Do you have a favorite food?
Cookies! Raisin cookies.
Do you have a favorite PCM staff member?
Clarissa at the front desk.

What PCM event are you most looking forward to this year?
Meet the Instruments. You know, where the kids come and play all the instruments.
Meet the Instruments is a program that occurs this year on May 17th between 2:00 and 4:00. Prospective students and parents come to campus and have the opportunity to learn about and play a wide variety of brass, woodwind, and stringed instruments. Additionally, parents speak with faculty members and learn all about PCM’s music classes, philosophy, and history.
What’s your favorite instrument?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A professional tuba player. Work at PCM. Work at JPL. Work at McDonalds. Work at Big Daddy’s and eat “rib steak”.
What do you like most about PCM?
It’s fun. I get to meet friends, dance, and play!

Any last words?