Mansions Prelude: A Celebration of the Virtuoso | The Guitar

Mansions & Music

Barrett Hall @ PCM

100 North Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

Mansions Prelude: A Celebration of the Virtuoso | The Guitar

$10 General Admission

FREE for season sponsors and PCM students under 18 (RSVP to Wendy Vazquez at

Buy your tickets online!

Looking for a deeper dive into Mansions & Music?

Join guitarist Scott Tennant for a behind-the-scenes look at his upcoming concert program! Wine and cheese reception included.

Scott Tennant, guitar

Works by Couperin, Rodrigo, Sainz de la Maza, Montes, and Segovia

Mansions Preludes are part open rehearsal and part lecture-demonstration and provide an intimate opportunity for music lovers to learn more about the repertoire, composers, and historical context of the programs. They are designed to enhance one’s musical understanding of Mansions concerts, and are accessible and engaging even for those unable to attend the Mansions concert.

Barrett Hall @ PCM

100 North Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106

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